USC Chapter Constitution



The NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS, as a national student based organization, does hereby dedicate itself to the consistent development of intensive programs for increasing Black and other minority participation in the STEM fields.  These programs will be initiated both within and outside the university community. They will serve to strengthen relations between professional industry and Black and minority students at USC and will encourage students to participate in their individual professional societies.




The name and type of this organization shall be the University of Southern California Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, a non-profit student run organization; hereafter referred to as the USC Chapter.




The objectives of the USC Chapter shall be to consistently provide a supportive environment for African American STEM majors, to provide the tools and resources to keep students in engineering, and to help develop the necessary soft skills to be professional engineers.




Section 1.


Membership in the USC Chapter shall be designated as an active member or an inactive member..


Section 2.


  1. An active member shall be defined as:


  1. An undergraduate enrolled in the field of engineering and is a candidate for a degree in engineering, engineering technology, math or applied/physical science


  1. A graduate student who has received an undergraduate degree or is pursuing a graduate degree in engineering, engineering technology, math or applied/physical science.


  1. Has received a registered membership card through the payment of annual membership fees.


  1. Has registered nationally and has paid both national and local dues.


  1. An inactive member shall be defined as a person who is not a candidate for a degree in one of the areas defined in Article III, Section 2 (a) (1), and who does not have voting power, and as such is exempt from positions including, but not limited to Chapter President, or a position of Senator.


Section 3.

Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, ethnic group, national origin, gender disability, and sexual orientation.


Section 4.

The “good standing” of a USC Chapter member shall be defined as the definition of good standing dictated by the USC Office of Campus Activities, the Viterbi School of Engineering, the Center for Engineering Diversity and the Black Student Assembly.


Section 5.

All members are required to demonstrate support for the purpose of this organization.




Section 1.

Each active member shall be entitled to one vote in all chapter general body meetings in which membership is held.


Section 2.

Each active member shall be eligible to represent the chapter in regional and national business as a senator.




Section 1.

There shall be an Executive Board of the USC Chapter which shall consist of the:


  1. President

  2. Vice President

  3. Secretary

  4. Treasurer

  5. Senator

  6. Membership Chair

  7. Standing Committee Chairs


Section 2.

The Executive Board shall:


  1. Administer the affairs of the USC Chapter under the National, Regional and Chapter Constitution and Bylaws.

  2. Be subject to the orders of the membership.  None of its acts shall conflict with decisions made by the vote of the chapter general body, or the goals and objectives of the organization.

  3. Not receive any salary for service.

  4. Hold weekly meetings

  5. Make recommendations to the Regional Executive Board

  6. Coordinate activities within the USC chapter




Section 1.

There shall be six standing committees of the USC Chapter, which are:


  1. Academic Excellence

  2. Finance

  3. Membership

  4. Pre-College Initiative

  5. Publicity

  6. Technical Excellence


Section 2.

Standing Committees shall have duties as described in the USC Chapter By-Laws.


Section 3.

In addition, the committees will carry out assignments deemed necessary by the Chapter Executive Board.


Section 4.

The Chapter Executive Board will create and appoint chairs for any special committee(s), as necessary.




Section 1.

Members or affiliate members will hold all elected offices in good standing, except for the office of President, which can only be held by members. Candidates must have a 2.5 GPA to run for office, maintain the GPA outlined in the Executive Board Contract and be a full time student throughout the term of office.


Section 2.

The elected offices of the Chapter Executive Board are:


  1. President

  2. Vice President

  3. Secretary

  4. Treasurer

  5. Programs Chair

  6. Standing Committee Chairs


Section 3.

The Chapter Executive officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Programs Chair.


Section 4.

The Chapter Executive Board-Elect shall take office 45 days following the chapter election and shall serve a one-year term.


Section 5.

Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice President shall fill the unexpired term.


Section 6.

Elections of the Chapter Offices will take place after the annual National Convention and meeting.



Section 1.

Elected Offices


  1. The President is responsible for the efficient operation of the organization. He/she must be able to troubleshoot problems and make decisions between executive committee meetings affecting the health of the organization. The President shall:

  1. Preside and maintain order at all executive board and general membership meetings, provide direction in the debate and steer the meetings to a resolution of contradictions.

  2. Prepare an agenda for all meetings and ask for additions from the executive board.

  3. Explain and decide all questions of order.

  4. Announce all business.

  5. Be informed on communications.

  6. Put all motions to a vote and give results.

  7. Listen to opposing views and come to a rational decision.  

  8. Show appreciation to officers and chairpersons of activities for devoted service.

  9. Be well informed about all organizational activities.

  10. Be well informed of National Society regional and national activities.

  11. Act as the executive board chairperson.

  12. Oversee the activities of all standing committees with the Vice President.

  13. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term.

  14. Oversee the creation a semester calendar of events with the secretary & programs chair.


  1. The Vice President shall support the President in the effective operation of the organization. He/she is responsible for various tasks and duties as decided by the President. The Vice President shall:

  1. Assume the role of president in the event that the president is unavailable until a new president has been selected.

  2. Perform any activities and assume any duties or responsibilities designated by the president, in the event of their absence.

  3. Attend all meetings of the Center for Engineering Diversity Industry Advisory Board (CED IAB).

  4. Serve as the liaison between the chapter and alumni.

  5. Oversee the activities of all standing committees with the President.

  6. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term.


  1. The Secretary records accurately the minutes of the executive board and general meetings and makes available the minutes to all members upon request. The secretary shall:

  1. Fill out and countersign all certificates issued and make proper entries in the books of the National Society.

  2. Serve all notices required by the by-laws of the National Society and in case of absence, refusal, or inability to act, any person whom the executive board may direct may perform the duties of the office.

  3. Report the minutes of the previous executive meeting at the present meeting of the executive board and also with the general body meeting.

  4. Require at least a monthly record of activities from the executive board and special committees.

  5. Be responsible for all documents belonging to the organization and the handling of disbursements of all organizational documents to maintain membership rolls.

  6. Preside over the Communications Zone as zone leader.

  7. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term.


  1. The Treasurer is responsible for receiving and banking all money due to the organization. He/she provides an accurate and reliable system of accounting. The treasurer shall:

  1. Keep accurate and up-to-date records of all funds.

  2. Pay by the National Society’s checks countersigned by the president.

  3. Report to the National Society executive board all financial transactions twice a month.

  4. Issue money only on the authorization of the president or executive board.

  5. Incorporate National Society finances with the State of California Laws.

  6. Collect membership dues and keep the membership roll updated by coordinating with the membership chair.

  7. Preside over the Finance Zone as zone leader.

  8. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term.


  1. The Programs Chair is responsible for overseeing and implementing all programs within the chapter. They shall keep the entire chapter membership informed of programs at every level of the organization and make sure that USC NSBE is actively participating in them.

  1. Support, promote and ensure the success of all National, Regional and Chapter programs.

  2. Develop and maintain programs and activities for the benefit of the chapter membership as well as the University and the surrounding community.

  3. Coordinate community service projects.

  4. Submit monthly reports to the Regional Programs Chair.

  5. Preside over the Programs Zone as zone leader.

  6. Produce an official transition report at the close of the term.


  1. Standing Committee Chairs shall carry out the duties of the committees.


Section 2.

Two senators shall be chosen to represent the chapter on regional and national matters. These senators shall be chosen by majority vote of the membership no later than the general body meeting before the Fall Regional Conference.




Section 1.

The executive board shall agree upon the place, time, day, and frequency of General Body Meetings at the first executive board meeting.


Section 2.

The president shall call a special meeting of the general membership with unanimous agreement of the executive board.


Section 3.

The Transitional Board meeting shall be held no later than the last day of spring classes.


Section 4.

The first executive boards meeting shall be held no later than two weeks after the election results have been announced.


Section 5:

If an Executive Officer misses two consecutive executive meetings or four during the semester without giving prior notice, that officer is to be either suspended or impeached at the discretion of the Executive Board.




At all meetings one-third plus one of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is lacking then motions shall be governed by the power of the “committee as a whole” and are subject to review at the next assemblage of quorum.




Section 1.

Each member in good standing is entitled one vote at all meetings, except otherwise noted in this article.


Section 2.

Affiliate members shall not vote at any meeting of the USC Chapter.




Section 1.

The amount of annual dues of the National Society shall be determined by the first meeting of the executive board for the upcoming academic year for all members. The majority vote of the board rules. Honorary members are exempt from paying dues - where honorary members are defined as students not in the STEM fields who provide a service for NSBE


Section 2.

The treasurer shall audit the amount of dues determined within one month after close of the academic year.




Section 1.

At any special meeting duly called, any officer may be removed by affirmative votes of the majority of the entire regular membership of record and a successor may then be nominated and elected at this meeting to fill the vacancy.


Section 2.

A two-thirds affirmative vote of the regular membership of record shall be obtained at this special meeting in order to be elected.


Section 3.

Grounds for removal of an officer are as follows:

  1. Subversion from the constitution

  2. Unethical conduct

  3. Abuse of power

  4. Inability to function properly in office elected

  5. Embezzlement



The Bylaws of the USC Chapter shall be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership or by two-thirds vote of the Chapter Executive Board.




Section 1.

Any member or members of this organization can propose at any time an amendment to this constitution.


Section 2.

The member must submit a copy of the proposed amendment to the executive board for approval. Upon approval by the board it can be presented to the general membership where an affirmative vote by three-fourths of the voting membership will make it binding.




Section 1.

University of Southern California

  1. This organization is a recognized student organization at the University of Southern California, but not a part of the University itself.

  2. In all correspondence and business transactions, it may refer to itself as an organization at USC, but not as part of University of Southern California itself.

  3. The National Society accepts full financial and production responsibility for activities it sponsors.

  4. The National Society agrees to abide by all pertinent University of Southern California policies and regulations. Where the University of Southern California policies and regulations and those of the National Society differ, the policies and regulations of the University of Southern California will take precedence.

  5. This organization recognizes and understands the that the University assumes no legal liability for the actions of the organization, and that the University is not providing blanket indemnification insurance coverage for any activities of the organization, unless those activities expressly benefit and further the goals of the University, and received prior review, approval and consent of the Offices of Student Activities, Risk Management and/or General Council.


Section 2.

National Society of Black Engineers

  1. Where the National Society of Black Engineers guidelines, regulations or policies differ from those of the University of Southern California, the University of Southern California’s policies, regulations and guidelines take precedence.




Section 1.

Advisor Requirements

  1. As a recognized student organization at the University of Southern California, the National Society is required to have an official advisor from the University of Southern California faculty and staff.


Section 2.


  1. The advisor must sign the recognition application each year, or whenever officer information changes or amendments are made to the constitution.

  2. The advisor must adhere to the rules and regulations specified by the University of Southern California.




Passing the gavel. The outgoing president shall hand the USC Chapter gavel to the newly elected president during the installation of officers’ ceremony.




Logos, Colors, Pins, Official Seals, and Emblems. The executive board shall unanimously approve items representing the USC Chapter.